Purposes of the Emphasis.  The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling is a specialized degree program designed to enable those in the ministry to meet the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of people through the art of counseling.  This program does not prepare a person to be a licensed counselor but is oriented toward increasing and improving the skills necessary to minister among the body of believers through counseling.     The Master of Arts emphasis in Christian Counseling seeks (a) to assist in the spiritual and psychological development of students so that they will be more competent in their service to others; (b) to create a concern for the spiritual and psychological needs of others and an appreciation for the differences between people; (c) to acquaint students with those methods and conclusions of psychology which are relevant and applicable to the work of the church; and (d) to provide skills in counseling and interpersonal relations.  Candidacy Requirements.  Candidacy requirements for the Master of Arts program are outlined earlier.  Graduation Requirements.  In addition to the requirements for graduation from the Seminary outlined earlier, and from the Master of Arts program outlined earlier, students with an emphasis in Christian Counseling are to successfully complete a minimum of thirty hours including at least eighteen semester hours in Counseling and Psychology, nine semester hours in theology, three semester hours in Bible history and archaeology, and three semester hours in communication skills from an accredited institution.  Complete a minimum of 24 hours at the Seminary.   The student completing requirements in Master of Arts in Christian program will be able to: 
  1. understand and explain the issues and problems that people face in life from a thoroughly biblical point of view. 
  2. understand and evaluate secular and Christian psychological theories and practices from a sound biblical and theological point of view in order to develop professional competence within a thoroughly biblical framework focused on ministry. 
  3. develop deep levels of biblical and spiritual integrity in their own personal life, relationships, and ministry. 
  4. possess the personal and spiritual maturity, discernment, and wisdom needed to help people resolve spiritual, relational, and behavioral issues and problems.  
  5. engage in effective biblically based counseling in the context of a local church, private practice, or mental health institution. 
Program of Study – The student’s course of study follows:  First Year 
NT501  Elementary N.T. Greek I or Psychology Elective  3  NT502  Elementary N.T. Greek II or Psychology Elective  3 
OT501 Old Testament I  3  OT502 Old Testament II  3 
CE501  Evangelism/Missions/ Christian Living  3  CO514  Biblical Counseling  3 
NT503  New Testament I  3  CE503  Principles of Teaching  3 
TH501  Basic Theology I  3  NT504  New Testament II  3 
CE502  Hermeneutics  3  TH502  Basic Theology II  3 
FE501 Field Education I  0  FE502  Field Education II  0 
Total  18  Total  18 
   Second Year
HI601 Bible History & Archaeology  3  TH601  Premillennialism & Dispensationalism  3 
CO601 Principles of Counseling  3  CO613  Counseling the Chem. Dep  3 
CO602  Counseling Tech. & Prac.  3  LA601  Christian Writing & Research  3 
TH602 Apologetics/Elective  3  CO614  Counseling Case Studies  3 
Elective  3  CO620  Counseling Practicum  3 
CE615 Master of Arts Reading I  1  CE616  Master of Arts Reading II      1 
FE601 Field Education III  0  FE602   Field Education IV  0 
Total  16  Total  16