Student Services


(Download Student Handbook)
[cs_faq cs_faq_section_title=”” cs_faq_view=”list” column_size=”1/1″][faq_item faq_active=”yes” faq_title=”STUDENT ACTIVITIES”] At Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary, there are more than 100 students enrolled, in multiple areas of study, with a central focus on the Word of God. They come from various independent and denominational churches. Most of the student body are from the Washington metropolitan area. Because we are a Christian community, as well as an educational institution, our family life together is governed by a code of conduct. This is done so that we may be able to function together in harmony, that we may preserve a good testimony, and that we may each develop good habits of Christian discipline. MSBBC&S is primarily an evening institution designed to serve full-time Christian workers and others who have full-time jobs during the day. Therefore, MSBBC&S offers most of its curriculum during the evening hours. Although MSBBC&S is primarily an evening institution, a number of classes are offered during the day on Saturday. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION”] The New Student Orientation Program assists students in maximizing their use of available resources of the College and Seminary to enhance their development. New student orientation helps students to minimize problems and other difficulties, thereby making the transition to College or Seminary an orderly and smooth process. It provides answers to many of the questions and concerns that newly enrolled students have and identifies resource personnel who will further facilitate the transition. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”CHAPEL”] Chapel services are held each semester for day and evening students. These services challenge the students from the Word of God and serve as a period of intercessory prayer. Students and faculty are expected to attend chapel services. No classes will be held during Chapel services. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA)”] The Student Government Association (SGA) has three primary purposes: to listen intently for the specific needs of the student body; to channel such information steadily to the administration and faculty; and to convert such information into effective action. The SGA officers are students who have been appointed/elected by the student body. The SGA sponsors academic, spiritual, and social events for student development. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”STUDENT SERVICES POLICY ON MINUTES”] All MSBBC&S Student Service minutes relating to students must be thoroughly documented and a copy filed in the Office of the Director of Student Affairs within fourteen (14) days following the meeting. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”ALUMNI ASSOCIATION”] All graduates and certificate recipients as well as former students who have earned at least 30 semester hours of credit are designated as Alumni of the College and Seminary. The MSBBC&S Alumni Association, under the leadership of the Director of Development and Alumni Affairs, serves the needs and interests of graduates. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”CHRISTIAN SERVICE”] The Christian Service Department, under the supervision of the Director of Student Affairs, provides an opportunity for students to develop Christian leadership and spiritual ministry. Within the Washington metropolitan area there are opportunities for institutional work in jails and hospitals. Everything is done to ensure that students will receive the maximum degree of benefit and fulfillment from personal involvement in various types of practical Christian work and community service throughout the Washington area. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”CAMPUS AND BUILDING”] The College campus is a beautiful one and one-half acre tract of land opposite the Maple Springs Baptist Church. It is nestled in a suburban residential community, which is easily accessible by public transportation to the heart of the rapidly expanding Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Chester A. McDonald, Sr., Administration Building. This building is named in honor of Chester A. McDonald, Sr., the Chancellor, the founder, and first President of the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary. He is Pastor Emeritus of the Maple Springs Baptist Church. MSBBC&S is a ministry of the Maple Springs Baptist Church. The Administration Building houses the administrative offices. Education Building and Center for Biblical Studies (Main Campus Building). This building is the center of activity for the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary. It houses the library, two (2) floors of classroom space, the bookstore, the student computer lab and the student lounge. Library. Located in the Main Campus Building, the Library provides a variety of resources. It contains a growing collection of excellent resources for reference, research and circulation. The holdings are arranged on open shelves according to the Dewey Decimal classification system. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”STUDENT HANDBOOK”] At the time of enrollment, new students may receive a copy of the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary Student Handbook. When the Student Handbook is revised, all students may receive a revised copy. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”DRESS STANDARDS”] Moderation in the manner of dress is a safe guide for MSBBC&S students. Casual dress is acceptable in the classroom so long as it is neat and modest. Students are to dress appropriately and in good taste at all times. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES”] The Business Office handles all financial matters, such as tuition and fee payment. The Director of Records and Admissions’ Office handles all student admissions and academic records. Academic and nonacademic advising is also available. The Director of Student Affairs is responsible for the welfare of the students and for all student development services. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”STUDENT SERVICES COUNSELING SERVICES”] When a student is accepted into a degree program, a faculty advisor is assigned to him/her. The advisor is to guide, assist, and counsel the student throughout the academic program. Persons in need of personal or spiritual counseling may receive assistance by contacting the Director of Student Affairs. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”STUDENT MEDICAL COVERAGE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES”] MSBBC&S does not provide medical coverage or care for its students. The Institution strongly recommends that all students maintain health coverage during their enrollment. Students should call local agencies to purchase medical insurance. Maryland Residents Maryland Health Connection 1-855-642-8572 District of Columbia Residents DC Department of Health Care Finances 202-442-5088 Virginia Residents Virginia’s Statewide Health Information Exchange 1-804-955-1788 [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”MEDICAL EMERGENCIES”] There are no medical personnel available at the Institution. First aid kits are located in the Library and the Administration Building. In the case of a medical emergency contact the administrator on duty and call 911. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”BOOKSTORE”] The College and Seminary’s bookstore operates as a service to the students to supply them with textbooks and necessary materials. The cost of books and supplies is not included in the registration fee. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”BOOKSTORE REFUND POLICY”] Refunds will be given if the returned book has not been marked or altered. No refund will be made after two weeks of purchase. No refunds will be given without a receipt. Refunds during registration will be given for any mistakes made by the bookstore or the Institution. This includes scheduling errors or courses canceled by the Institution. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”COMPUTER LAB”] Computer hardware and software applications are available for student use. The campus is also equipped with wireless internet capabilities. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”LIBRARY AND INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES CENTER”] The Library and Instructional Resources Center (LIRC), which serves students, faculty, and staff is a vital part of the educational program at MSBBC&S. It is called the Library/Instructional Resources Center because it offers audio/visual materials, cassettes, videotapes, books, and periodicals. Within 15 minutes driving distance is the Library of Congress, the world’s largest and greatest library, with general provisions in the field of learning and a total of over 20 million volumes. Local university and seminary libraries are also available, as are interlibrary loans. The Library and Instructional Resources Center provides a variety of resources. It contains a growing collection of excellent resources for reference, research and circulation. The holdings are arranged on open shelves according to the Dewey decimal classification system. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”COPYING”] A copy machine is available for student use. Students are limited to ten copies per day. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”STUDENT PARKING”] All student vehicles must be parked in the parking area across Belt Road on the Maple Springs Baptist Church parking lot. This enables Security to better monitor parking facilities. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”SNACK SHOP”] The student snack shop is a self-serve facility. Faculty, staff, and students find it a pleasant place to fellowship over a cup of coffee, soft drinks, and treats. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”HANDICAP ACCESS AND USE”] MSBBC&S make every attempt to assist students with handicaps. All classrooms and library facilities are handicap accessible. The building that houses the administrative and faculty offices are also handicap accessible. Handicap parking is posted for convenience and is strictly enforced. Classroom tables provide easy wheelchair access. Restrooms near the classroom and library areas are also handicap accessible. [/faq_item][faq_item faq_active=”no” faq_title=”PLACEMENT”] MSBBC&S provides placement assistance for students seeking professional positions with churches and other Christian organizations. Graduating students may register with the Director of Student Affairs for such assistance. [/faq_item][/cs_faq]