
Old Testament Survey

A synthetic study of all the Old Testament books. The development of the central theme, general contents, purpose, and historical setting of each book will be examined. This course will provide the necessary foundation upon which all upper level Old and New Testament courses are built.

Leadership and Administration

A course designed to help the student understand the church as an organism and as an organization. Special emphasis is placed on church revitalization, leadership development, organizational change, conflict management, and time and stress management.

Elementary New Testament Greek II

A continuation of LA322 with application of basic grammatical structures and principles of syntax. Portions of the Gospel of John, Acts and I John are translated during the semester. Prerequisite: PM322 New Testament Greek 1

World Civilization II

A continuation of HI222, from 1588, the defeat of the Spanish Armada, to the present. Prerequisite: HI222

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