Purposes of the Program.  The Master of Divinity is the basic professional degree which provides the most comprehensive graduate education in the various interrelated theological and practical disciplines taught in a seminary. 

Professional ministry vocations, for which the Master of Divinity is primarily designed to equip students, include pastoral ministry, missions, chaplains, and others with a biblical and theological basis for church related ministries.  The program also serves as the foundational degree to prepare students for further studies in preparation for vocations in research, teaching and writing in biblically related fields.  Consequently, MSBBC&S seeks to maintain a healthy balance in the program among the biblical, theological, historical, and practical studies. 

The Master of Divinity specifically aims to: (a) develop in the student a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Bible, its content and teaching as the written Word of God, the infallible rule of faith and practice for the Christian; (b) equip the student in basic disciplines and methodologies so that independent study of the Scriptures may be continued throughout one’s ministry; (c) lead the student into systematic examination of Scripture as developed through the history of the Christian church; (d) develop skills in preaching, teaching, church administration, worship, and counseling which will most effectively assist the minister in communicating the gospel; (e) expose the student to current theological inquiry into a variety of theological positions, while developing general familiarity with other religious thought; and (f) develop in the student an ability to think independently and constructively in areas vital to the ministry. 

Admission Requirements:   In addition to the general requirements for admission to the Seminary, applicants for the Master of Divinity program are expected to hold a bachelor’s degree, or its equivalent, with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (on a 4.0 scale).  Thirty semester hours in Bible and theology, and six hours in New Testament Greek are required at the college level.  Students without these credit hours are required to begin their program at the 500-level. 

Graduation Requirements:  In addition to the general requirements for graduation from the Seminary, candidates for the Master of Divinity degree are required to: (a) complete at least 90 semester hours with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, with a grade of at least a “C” in each course (No more than two “Cs” will count toward the degree); (b) complete all courses in the prescribed Master of Divinity curriculum or appropriately approved substitutes; (c) complete at least four semesters of Field Education (FE501, FE502, FE601, FE602); (d) complete a practicum; (e) complete a minimum of 70 semester hours at MSBBS; and (f) give adequate exemplification of the character, emotional stability, maturity, and leadership ability which is essential to effective service in the Christian ministry. 

Internship/Practicum:  Master of Divinity students are required to complete a one semester internship/practicum to complete the Master of Divinity degree. 

Master of Divinity Thesis:  Master of Divinity students are required to complete a thesis.  All drafts and final copies of the thesis should be prepared in conformity with the latest edition of Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 

Suggested Program of Study:  The following curriculum indicates the courses which are normally required in the approved program of study for the Master of Divinity. 

For graduates of Bible Colleges or those with undergraduate study in Christian Theology or Bible Courses, a minimum of 36 graduate credits must be completed for graduation.  Students will be exempted only from courses in which they have taken comparable and relevant undergraduate course(s).  All others must complete all listed courses.  


The Master of Divinity Core Curriculum 

The Master of Divinity curriculum was designed primarily for students preparing for pastoral ministry in the United States.  This curriculum also serves as the basis for doctoral study for those preparing to do research or teach in a biblically or theologically related discipline. 

Common Core Requirements 

The approved program of study for the Master of Divinity degree is outlined in the suggested sequence of courses shown below.  Students who take this sequence are able to complete the program in three years, avoiding scheduling conflicts of required courses.  However, if the student meets the prerequisites, the curriculum may be completed in two years. 

The student completing requirements in Master of Divinity program should be able to: 

  1. verbalize a general knowledge of the Bible, including a synthetic understanding of the major books;  
  2. evidence an understanding of the historical development of theology, a knowledge of premillennial theology, and an ability to support their theological views and apply them to contemporary issues;  
  3. demonstrate the ability to exegete the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible; and  
  4. evidence an understanding of the educational program of the local church and an awareness of the worldwide mission of the church. 

First Year 

NT501  Elementary N.T. Greek I   3  NT502  Elementary N.T. Greek II   3 
OT501 Old Testament I  3  OT502 Old Testament II  3 
CE501  Evangelism/Missions/ Christian Living  3  CO514  Biblical Counseling  3 
NT503  New Testament I  3  CE503  Principles of Teaching  3 
TH501  Basic Theology I  3  NT504  New Testament II  3 
CE502  Hermeneutics  3  TH502  Basic Theology II  3 
FE501 Field Education I  0  FE502  Field Education II  0 
Total  18  Total  18 


Second Year 

CE610 Church History  3  CE603  Christian Ethics/Church Finance   3 
CE621 Church Educational Ministries  3  TH601  Premillennialism & Dispensationalism  3 
PM601 Leadership & Administration  3  LA601  Christian Writing & Research  3 
PM602 Pastoral Theology  3  TH602    Apologetics /Elective                             3 
PM603 Sermon Preparation  3  MU601  Church Music  3 
    PM604  Sermon Delivery  1 
FE601  Field Education III  0  FE602 Field Education IV                                0 
Total  15  Total  18 


Third Year 

HI601 Bible History & Archaeology  3  Elective  3 
Elective  3  OT702  Elem Biblical Hebrew II  3 
Elective  3  PM771  M.Div. Thesis II  3 
OT701 Elem Biblical Hebrew I  3  PM645  Practicum  3 
PM770 M.Div. Thesis I  3  PM731  M.Div. Reading II  1 
PM730 M.Div. Reading I  1     
Total  16  Total  13