Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary was founded in 1986 by Dr. C.A. McDonald, Sr., Pastor of the Maple Springs Baptist Church, to help provide trained personnel for the propagation of the Gospel. Dr. McDonald appointed Dr. Larry W. Jordan, the Minister of Education of the Maple Springs Baptist Church; to develop and implement the programs required to establish the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary. Dr. Jordan designed and implemented the curriculum to prepare for the ministry those who have had no previous undergraduate training in the biblical area as well as those who have completed an undergraduate degree.
The Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is an independent, fundamental, conservative, and for the most part, local church-oriented Institution, meeting the need for leadership in an ever-changing society. The College and Seminary is Baptist, both in belief and practice. It is committed unreservedly to the verbal plenary view of inspiration believing every Word of the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. We are committed to the defense and proclamation of the Scriptures, upon which all true education has its foundation.
MSBBC&S held its first annual graduation exercises May 25, 1990. It awarded five (5) Evangelical Training Association Adult Education certificates, one (1) Bachelor degree, five (5) Master degrees, and granted one (1) Honorary Doctor of Humanities degree.
On November 14, 1990, the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary became an Adult Education member of the Evangelical Training Association. As such, the college and seminary are authorized to grant Evangelical Training Association certificates. The college and seminary offered three Evangelical Training Association certificates: (1) The Foundational Church Ministries Certificate, (2) The Standard Church Ministries Certificate, and (3) The Advanced Church Ministries Certificate; and three diplomas: (1) Associate Teachers Diploma, (2) Standard Teachers Diploma, and Graduate Teachers Diploma.
The Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary underwent an administrative re-organization effective January 13, 1991. Effective December 31, 1990, Dr. C.A. McDonald, Sr. resigned as President of the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary to devote full time to the pastorate.
Dr. Larry W. Jordan was appointed interim President, Dr. Vivian E. Bess was appointed interim Vice President for Academic Affairs and Mrs. Jerrye B. Feliciana was appointed interim Vice President for Administration. On October 24, 1992, Dr. Larry W. Jordan became the second president of the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Dr. Vivian E. Bess became Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dr. Jerrye B. Feliciana became Vice President for Administration.
On September 24, 1992, Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary was granted Associate Status with the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education. Associate status is designed for institutions wishing to be identified with TRACS based on meeting the requirements of BIBLICAL STANDARDS only, which meet the eligibility requirements and submit a letter of intent as to its future with TRACS. The purpose of this level of recognition is to enable new and developing institutions to come under the guidance of TRACS with the goal of moving toward accredited affiliation as soon as possible and to provide a way for institutions which hold accredited status with nationally recognized accrediting agencies to identify and work with TRACS without seeking accredited level status.
On February 5, 1993, Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary became a corporation.
On March 20, 1993, the structure of MSBBC&S changed to two major divisions, Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Maple Springs Baptist Bible Seminary, and an adult education division. In 1993, two Academic Deans were appointed; one for each of the two major divisions with the adult education component reporting directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Sandra Shands-Strong was appointed Dean of the College and Dr. Emanuel D. Chatman was appointed Dean of the Seminary. All Evangelical Training Association programs were moved to the continuing education division.
Separate catalogs were developed for each division.
In 1994, MSBBC&S changed from a quarter to a semester system.
On February 23, 1995, the MSBBC&S was awarded Candidacy Status in the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools. That meant that Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary was a candidate for accreditation with TRACS, which indicates that an institution has achieved initial recognition and is progressing toward, but is not assured of, accreditation. It has provided evidence of sound planning and the resources to implement its plans and appears to have the potential for attaining its goals within a reasonable time.
On September 20, 2000, the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary was accredited by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) as a category IV institution. The Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools is listed in the United States Department of Education as a nationally recognized institutional accrediting agency serving Christian undergraduate and graduate institutions of higher learning.
On November 8, 2004, the Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary received reaffirmation from TRACS as a Category IV institution. TRACS offices are located in Forest, Virginia, and may be contacted by writing to TRACS, 15955 Forest Road; Forest, Virginia 24551 or by calling (434) 525-9539 or fax at (434) 616-2638.
October 23, 2010, Dr. Anthony Moore became the Board of Trustees Chair. Other new members added to the Board since 2010 are: Rogers Davis, James Williams, Pamela Newton, and Terrell Sheppard were added in 2011. Anna Mosby and Dorothy Bailey were removed from the Board.
December 8, 2011, Dr. Rogers Davis became the Interim Board Chair.
The Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary Board Resolved to appoint Dr. Sandra Shands-Strong as Chair of the Affirmation of Accreditation by Resolution Number 11-11-03, effective December 8, 2011.
The Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary Board Resolved to update the Mission Statement by Resolution Number 11-12-05 effective December 8, 2011.
The Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary Board Resolved to appoint Dr. Marcos Lewis Anthony as Chief Academic Officer by resolution Number 11-12-06, effective December 8, 2011.
Effective in the Fall of 2011 Semester, the Seminary removes the Master of Religious Education (MRE) Degree from its Graduate offerings, and from all printed materials.
December 2012, MSBBC&S began the process of meeting & exceeding the necessary requirements for Reaffirmation II Status with the TRACS Accreditation Commission. MSBBC&S prepared to host the TRACS commission within the year 2013, with implemented plans to aggressively seek & complete Reaffirmation II Status.
April 29, 2014, the TRACS Accreditation Commission voted to grant Maple Springs Baptist Bible College & Seminary Reaffirmation II Status as a Category IV Institution. Hence, MSBBC&S is approved to offer our current programs including Certificate, Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, Graduate Certificate & Master of Arts in Biblical Studies; Master of Arts in Christian Counseling; Master of Divinity; Doctor of Ministry.
Spring 2015, MSBBC&S partnered with Tune-In Radio & My Spirit DC radio station WYCB – 1340 AM and began an in – depth weekly radio broadcast, discussing the institution & its offerings, featuring student, faculty & other special guests. This endeavor has broadened the community reach of the institution & furthered our marketing efforts in the DC Metropolitan Area.
Fall 2015, Dr. Larry W. Jordan announces that he will resign as President of the MSBBC&S at the end of the calendar year, prior to the Spring 2016 semester.
February 1, 2016, Dr. Jerrye B. Feliciana installed as Interim President of the MSBBC&S by the Board of Trustees.
July 2016, MSBBC&S offered the first ever Summer Lecture Series, where 6 general topics were presented. Attendees chose topics, in which to participate. The presentations were assigned to partnered, well – respected ministers in the local DC, MD & VA area, including some of our own Faculty & Administration members.
Fall 2016, Dr. Jerrye B. Feliciana announces that she will resign as President of the MSBBC&S, effective December 1, 2016.
January 3, 2017, Dr. David Clark installed as Interim President of the MSBBC&S by the Board of Trustees.
Summer 2017, MSBBC&S partnered with The Sanctuary at Kingdom Square to implement an addition to the curriculum. It was approved by TRACS, and in the Fall 2017 Semester, the Ordination Preparation Seminar, Parts 1 & 2 were officially launched and offered at MSBBC&S, to both Bible College (undergraduate) & Seminary (graduate) students. The completion of the full curriculum leads to a Certificate in Ordination Preparation.
May 2018, TRACS upgrades the accreditation status of MSBBC&S from ACCREDITED – ON PROBATION to ACCREDITED. Reaffirmation of status is good through 2024.
November 2018, MSBBC&S launched the “Virtual Dinner Fundraising Project”. The project encouraged participants to set aside $60 – monthly, in comparison to a dinner out expenditure, and donate it the institution in place of a dinner with an historical Biblical figure, or a former Maple Springs Hero, who has gone to Glory! The project is one that will carry on throughout the future of MSBBC&S.
April 2019, Dr. David Clark announces his resignation as President/CEO of the MSBBC&S.
May 6, 2019, Dr. Carl Eugene Keels installed as Acting President of the MSBBC&S by the Board of Trustees.